

In Clumpy, you can model an asynchronous loop like this:

var i, clumpy = new Clumpy();
  function () { i = 0; },
  function () { return i < 100000; },
  function () { i++; },
  function () {
    // statements

It looks a little strange, being so heavy on the functions, but you can see the resemblance it bears to a real for loop. A notable difference, though, is that the second function returns the result of the condition, where there is no return statement in a real for loop.

If you use ES6 single-expression arrow functions, you can make it look a little more familiar:

var i, clumpy = new Clumpy();
clumpy.for_loop(()=> i = 0, ()=> i < 100000, ()=> i++, ()=> {
  // statements

The rest of this documentation will use full function expressions, for backward compatibility.

Reinventing the “While”

The methods that model while and do...while are similar to for_loop():

var i = 0,
    clumpy = new Clumpy();
  function () { return i < 100000; },
  function () {
    // statements
var i = 0,
    clumpy = new Clumpy();
  function () {
    // statements
  function () { return i < 100000; }
); loops are almost as straightforward:

var key,
    object = { ... },
    clumpy = new Clumpy();

// Real Loop
for (key in object) {
  // statements

// Loose Equivalent:
  function () { return object; },
  function (key) {
    // statements

// Strict Equivalent:
  function () { return object; },
  function (k) {
    key = k;
    // statements

The difference between the “loose” and “strict” equivalents is that the key parameter to the function is not the same key variable that’s declared outside the function. The strict example makes the value persist in the outer key.